Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm off to Gatlinburg Tennessee!

It's so nice to get to go and visit with family, especially when you don't have to travel to terribly far to get to them! What's also nice is that with family, you can pick up right where you left off the last time you saw them and there's not all that awkward getting reacquainted stuff that goes on when you meet up with other people after an extended time apart. Your family already knows all your weird stuff, so you can just pick up where you left off...

I took the day off of work on Thursday and drove over to Gatlinburg Tennessee (actually, I drove over on Wednesday night) to visit with Pat and Kath, whom I have not seen since November 2008 when we were all on the cruise together. They were staying in Gatlinburg at the Westgate Smokey Mountain Resort & camp; Spa. Pat's mom, Donna, was also there and it was great to see her again- it has been 8 years since I last visited with her!
I had to be back to work on Friday morning so it was a whirlwind trip but we managed to have a good time despite the short duration.
I'm tellin ya though, the trip over was a bit of an adventure... I left right after work and didn't stop to eat dinner, thinking that I would stop on the way. Well. I did stop, right after I crossed the state line into Tennessee, at a little BBQ joint that was also a convenience store. I stood there in line for a few minutes and finally decided that I was too hungry to wait any longer so I headed back out to my car. As I walked out I heard a couple of guys whistling and making somewhat suggestive comments which kinda freaked me out - I didn't turn around in case they weren't actually hooting at me ( how embarrassing would that be) and also, just in case they were, I didn't want to encourage them- you know those long distance romances never work out...
Anyway, I drove on to another little convenience store down the road and pulled in. Does Tennessee have different rules than the rest of the U. S.? Every man in the parking lot AND in the store had their shirts off! I was starting to get a sickish feeling in the pit of my stomach as I parked the car. Two guys walked past, peering through the windshield at me. They grinned a bit, revealing a decided lack of dentition and I could have sworn I heard banjo music... da da da da da da da da daaa, da da da da da da da da daaaaa...
I hooked it in reverse and got the hell outta there!

It was 9:00 pm before I ever made it to the resort, I was so hungry I could have chewed my own arm off and I sure I was lost the entire way. I stopped at an ABC store and decided that if I were really lost that I might just buy a bottle and get drunk in the parking lot! (Ha, had ya going there for a minute, didn't I?) Thankfully Kath had food waiting when I arrived and after I ate
we stayed up talking, sitting on the balcony until about midnight. We finally got so tired we decided it was time to crash for the night.

Gatlinburg is really just one big strip mall of shops and small amusement parks. Dolly wood was around the corner but we really didn't have time to go there and Pat , Kath and Donna had already been the day before. We checked out some of the shops (I'll add the photos later) and went junking a bit too- I found two great cookbooks at a little thrift store. The possibilities for new and exotic foods are endless with new cookbooks, not that I have ever tried the recipes in them but hey, it could happen....eventually!

On the way home I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and did not get home until late but I made it and fell into bed then had to go right back to work the next day. I was pooped by the end of Friday and glad for the weekend.
Anyway, it was a great trip and I had a good time visiting the family, I get to do it again in September- hopefully I won't get lost again.

Well, until my next big adventure...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Have you seen this individual??

Ya know, we always think that crime happens to other people, so imagine my shock to find that this horrible crime ( see photos below) was committed right in my living room! I was on my way home after work and I was anticipating a nice, quiet evening relaxing at home with a good movie.
My community is quiet and feels safe enough for me to leave my doors unlocked most of the time and today was no exception.
I had stopped at the grocery on my way home and was loaded down with bags as I finally got the front door open... I took one step inside the door and immediately dropped the bags and bolted for the stairs, frantically dialing 911 on my cell phone on the way down! I have never seen such a horrible scene as awaited me when I opened that door! It was just terrible! I don't think I'll ever get those images out of my head!

The rest of the evening was a blur, the police were in my home for hours, taking photos of the crime scene and transporting the victim's remains to the morgue.

The victim, 25 year old Theresa Teddy
of Asheville, NC

Victim's right foot

Victim's eyes, found on the stairwell, inside a small, velvet lined box
(the police believe that the killer was planning to take them as a souvenir)

The police questioned me extensively, apparently as a possible suspect! I was so rattled that I almost forgot to tell them that I have a surveillance camera in my home. It turns out that the camera was acting up and only captured random shots but it did seem to clear me as a suspect- Thank God!
The photos below seem to me to be very incriminating, (this individual had obviously made herself at home, she was even so bold as to snap on the radio for a few dance tunes and helped herself to a snack!) but for now the police are referring to the "Individual" in the photos as only a "Person of interest." If you know the whereabouts of this person, obviously the police would like to hear from you.

Person of interest - wanted for questioning in the ongoing murder investigation of Theresa Teddy of Asheville, NC

Believe me my faithful followers, I won't be leaving my door unlocked again any time soon!!

Until next time,


Sunday, July 18, 2010

More Great Adventures

Well, you'll be happy to know I have recovered from the killer bronchitis that laid me low this week. I am feeling much better. I had an exciting day of perusing the thrift shops here in town and found all kinds of cute clothes and good books ( I'll try to share photos later). I also had an exciting excursion to the book store where I met up with Phil, Gret, Jen and Brit. I sprang for coffee and read lots of good mags in between chatting with the kids and people watching. I was sure that store security was going to tackle me for my camera but I was too slick for them and managed to get off a few candid shots without being detected.

Our excursion to the bookstore...

Lealu was sure that she was going to get to come along and spiffed up for the occasion (See photos), I had to break it to her that she wasn't invited... I've never seen such a reaction! Under the table she went, she keeled over on her back with her feet sticking straight up in the air, her eyes fluttered closed and her head lolled to the side. For a minute there I thought she croaked on me! I dragged her out by her paws and was about to start CPR when I saw her peek one eye open... what a FAKER! (I haven't made an official diagnosis yet,but I'm beginning to suspect Histrionic Personality Disorder..) I pacified her with a cookie and dispatched her to the kitchen before I left.

I wonder if I have time to shave my legs?

What do you mean, "I can't go??"

Phil and Gret had to pick up Gina and missed out on the five star restaurant that Jen Brit and I chose, the food was scrumptious and the ambiance of the place was to die for! (See photos)

Our 5 star dining experience!

Jen and Brit came over after dinner to use the computer (no internet access at their place).
As Midnight rolled around the girls were still with me so I convinced them to come outside to help me spot the monster that has been slithering out of the underground water pipes in the back yard. It's creepy, we have this huge flood plain in the back of the apartments and at the far end a row of trees and bamboo separates this from the river. The trail that's worn into the ground leads from the pipe opening, across the flood plain and into the river. I'm betting it's an alligator or maybe a huge python that could squeeze the stuffing outta ya... any who, We grabbed flashlights and brave little Lealu led the way.
We got as close as we dared and shined the lights on the hole, nothing... we shined the lights out across the field; again, nothing,then Jen hisses, " Oh my God, what is that??!!!" It was PAN-DE-MONIUM I TELL YOU! SHEER PANDEMONIUM!! I had no idea that I could run that fast...

Despite this little setback I remain undaunted , I know there is something out there and I'm going to figure out what it is ( I sort of feel like Kolchek, from The Night Stalker)!
That little expedition was all the excitement that I could stand for one night and Lealu and I toddled off to bed while Jen and Brit typed away on the computer. I didn't wake up till 5:00 am when Lealu stuck her nose in my eye, apparently she was ready for her morning walk.

I"m at the bookstore again and have yet to fulfill my goal of talking to a complete stranger; I am however eves dropping quite well. The couple to my left are on a first date, a sort of thing. My gosh, even eves dropping on a date is exhausting; he is currently regaling her with tales of his injuries from a runaway lawn mower incident. He is now on 800 mg of ibuprofen 3 times a day in case any of you are interested... his date is valiantly hanging on, for now anyway. Now I remember why I have not even tried to date...

Directly in front of me is a quaint little ole lady, she is tucked into a corner just reading away. She is dressed from head to toe in purple. She has on a great hat that sort of resembles the Liberty bell, except smaller and with a bow in the front. Her husband has shown up and they have not said the first word to each other, but seem not to mind the lack of chit chat.

Mr. is still talking away, his date has managed to get in a syllable or two but he is definitely on a roll, he's rambled on about fireflies, how blessed he is, his extensive travels and the civil war. I'm not sure if he was actually there(during the civil war, I mean) but he might have been. I think I need more coffee if I'm going to maintain the energy to keep eves dropping.

I decided to get my coffee to go and headed home, I couldn't take anymore eves dropping.Lealu was so happy to see me, especially since I got her a new stuffed animal.

Ha! thought you could get away, didn't you?

Well, until my next adventure,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My first week of exciting adventures!

Just when I decide that I'm going to go out into the world and be more adventurous I've been laid low with bronchitis! I've not been anywhere but to the doctor's office in 2 days.... I'm not only sick but bored to tears. I can't even talk due to laryngitis. ;-(

My only company (besides a visit yesterday from Jen and Brit) has been Lealu, my ever faithful mini dachshund. She's been right beside me the whole time- nibbling on a bone or her favorite tennis ball (and an occasional flea) and only asking to go out when she really has to go... as a matter of fact, we just returned from a walk where Lealu managed to find (and attempted to devour) a crow feather and a Q tip.
Getting these things away from her was all out war- I had to pry her mouth open and then shake the Q tip out of her, she was determined to eat the darn thing! I had horrible visions of it coming out the other end..eventually. Good Lord.

We've been entertaining ourselves by sleeping and watching movies on my computer, Lealu really didn't have a movie preference so I got to choose the entertainment. Any who, so much for travel and adventure, but stay tuned, there's always next week.

Farewell for now,