Sunday, August 14, 2011


I'm not sure what it is with staircases and me, but we sure don't get along...
I was at my friend Diana's yesterday and fell down the stairs trying to go walk her dogs. I attempted a neat swan dive but did not execute properly and ended up with one leg bent behind meas I fell down two or three stairs. Ouch hardly begins to cover it. I hit my knee cap, my shin bone and my big toe on the way down. Now I know why thugs hit a person in the knee cap- it was excruciating pain- I was sure my bones were broken. 4 hours and one prayer over my leg later, I find out nothing is broken - Thank God. I am so much better this morning. I can actually walk on my let, my back is still sore- but I am on the mend already.

Phil and Gret came to get me thank goodness and they waited with me at the Urgent Care. There was no way I was going to the emergency room- I would still be there I'm sure and my bill-even with insurance would have been outrageous. Once I had food poisoning and went to the ED, cost me 5,000.00 Never again unless I'm half dead and don't get a say in the matter.

My friend Diana prayed over my leg before I left and I am sure that is why I am better today. The doc didn't really do anything for me- he didn't even wash off my scraped up knee and shinbone- the dogs tried to do that for me when I got home! Thanks anyway for the thought but ewwww, dog tongue, no.

I am fostering Jenny's dog Oscar- Lelu's brother and they are so sweet. I think Lelu is happier now that she had her brother here. She cracks me up, when he is being bad she grabs him by the collar and drags him into house and won't let him go till she gets him to me. she is such a bossy little thing!
Anyway, I survived another tumble, I really have to stop doing this and pay more attention when I am on stairs. Also, I'm never wearing slick bottomed flip flops again- they are terrible for causing slips. Live and learn.
Till next time,